Creating beautiful, inspirational woodland spaces - in memory of Mia Elcock and her love of nature.
Mia’s Wood provides free education, recreation and conservation activities for the local Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire communities.
We want to pass on Mia’s love of nature to local families, children and young people, and especially bereaved families.

What is Mia's Wood?


Summer Woodland Activities
This year, we are doing a variety of activities at Mia's Wood - hopefully, there is something for everyone to enjoy!
MiaFest 2017 was another amazing year with hundreds of MiaFesters enjoying a magical day with some extraordinary visitors!
See the MIAFEST 17 Photos here
There are always exciting things happening at Mia's Wood. Click here to see what's going on down and around the wood...
Woodland Maintenance Days
Mia's Wood is only six years old, and our trees need TLC and we need to keep the grassed areas manageable to ensure that the site is a safe (as possible) and enjoyable place for all.
You really don’t need any special expertise.
Enthusiasm over experience! If you can help us with keeping Mia's Wood in shape, we would really appreciate your help at one of our monthly woodland maintenance days.
Even a couple of hours can make a difference... You just need sturdy boots and remember to wear trousers!

Welcome to Mia's Wood
What's going on?